Thursday, 24 November 2011

Menjalankan Eksperimen

Sediakan bahan seperti ais, garam, botol dan jus oren (cecair).
Guru memberi penjelasan dan menunjukkan cara menjalankan eksperimen ini.

Murid-murid melibatkan diri secara aktif untuk menjalankan eksperimen.

 Murid-murid memasukkan garam ke dalam botol yang berisi ais dan jus oren dalam beg plastik.

Murid-murid sedang menanti keputusan eksperimen...

Murid-murid berasa puas hati dan seronok kerana telah berjaya menjalankan eksperimen pemejalan.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Food Chain

Fill in the blanks with the words above the paragraph.

The Bottom of the Food Chain

Plants such as _____________________  and _____________________ are at the _____________________ of the food _____________________. Plants get their energy from the _____________________.

The Middle of the Food Chain

Animals such as _____________________ and _____________________ get their energy by eating plants. They are called _____________________, which means 'plant eaters.' There are many more herbivores on our planet than _____________________, which are animals that eat meat.

The Top of the Food Chain

_____________________ such as wolves and _____________________ are at the _____________________ of the food chain. Predators are animals that _____________________ other animals. The animals that they hunt are called _____________________. Some animals are both predator and prey.

food chain examples

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Science skills

Science Skills
Science study involves the development of important skills.  You can help your children be more effective at gathering and using knowledge by emphasizing the primary science skills:
•Observing - Science depends on discerning details, looking at more than just the "big picture." Encourage your students to describe what they see in detail; this will help them identify properties and make more knowledgeable hypotheses. When studying botany, for example, have them do more than just note the color and shape of the flower.  Have them count the petals, draw pictures of the leaves, and look at the pollen under a magnifying glass. 
•Classifying - This skill builds upon observation.  Once your student has identified specific details and properties in the material they are studying, they can learn how to separate and sort based on these details.  Younger children can learn to sort based on one principle (e.g., number of legs: spiders have eight, insects have six), while older students can classify using several factors at once.
•Quantifying - One of the most valuable skills needed for science study is the ability to measure accurately. Start by teaching your young children how to use a ruler and a measuring cup.  As they grow older, they will learn more complex measuring skills using mathematical equations and advanced equipment. 
•Predicting - As your student gains critical thinking skills, they will also learn the art of predicting.  This involves taking all the knowledge gained from close observation, and making a well-thought out prediction of what will happen when you introduce changes. Before performing any experiment, ask your children what they think will happen, and have them write their guesses down. 
•Controlling variables - Many different factors can affect the outcome of an experiment.  Help your children think through as many of these factors as possible before starting.  After doing the experiment, encourage them to change one of these variable factors and try it again. 
•Interpreting - It's important not only to record the results of your experiments, but also to understand why you got those results.  Encourage your students to do extra research if they're not sure why an experiment turned out the way it did. 
•Forming conclusions - You can't jump to conclusions in science study - you must get to them by careful reasoning and experimenting.  When forming conclusions, have your student look back at their predictions and compare them with the actual results.  Make sure they take all the information they have gathered into account as they draw a conclusion. 
These skills are best taught through hands-on activities and experiments. The skills at the top of the list are the easiest to master, and can be introduced to young children through nature studies.  Teach the more challenging skills by using successively more difficult experiments over time.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Aktiviti murid dalam bilik darjah

Murid-murid bekerjasama untuk menyiapkan tugasan kumpulan.

Murid-murid memberi tumpuan untuk menyiapkan tugasan.